Do you have a blog or vlog?  In a world of information based decision making, blogging is no longer optional.  It’s necessary. Consumers lean toward quality content, and less in favor of marketing that sells and tells. Because blogs are usually written from an educational point of view, they feel less pushy and more educational which goes a long way when it comes to establishing trust. Educational content is perceived as more authentic. 

Blogs are here to stay and readership is growing. According to word press stats, 409 Million people view more than 21.7 billion blog pages each month. That’s billion with a “B”.   If you don’t already have a blog in place, you’ll want to consider adding one to your marketing tool kit ASAP!

Here are a few questions we get asked when working with clients in need of a blog or vlog:

How often should I post? At least once a week. People want to feel you’re an expert.  Potential consumers exploring your site may get the idea that you aren’t consistent or current if your latest blog post is dated six months back. Weekly posting not only ensures you’re adding fresh and relevant content to your site, which can give your SEO a boost, it demonstrates an on-going commitment to your field while showcasing expertise.

What type of content should I focus on for my blog? Educational content is a good place to begin.  Content should always be simple and written from the consumer point of view. Remember you're an expert in your field so keep industry specific jargon at a minimum.

Should I write it myself or hire a writer? This really depends on your comfort, skill level and time. Some business owners are natural communicators. Social individuals tend to like communicating via blog. It’s another way to establish a personal connection. Others simply don’t have the time or desire to create content. In this case, hire a social media or content professional who is well versed in blogging.   

How do people find the blog content on my site? Prospective clients are looking online.  Your blog should be easily located on your site through a navigational tab. Cross promotion on social media will also give a your latest post a healthy boost.

Are you sure it matters? YES!  Content is necessary. 

How do I get a blog added to my site? Your web developer should be able to easily create a blog page for your site. They’ll walk you through how to log in and place content. The look and feel should be consistent with your other pages.

What about a vlog? WE LOVE VIDEO! It elevates the message, in our humble opinion.  Visual communication is engaging.  Right now, few business owners harness the true power of video in a way that sets them apart. Having a weekly vlog is a modern way to educate and get noticed!